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Music Spotlights

Here at Fredonia, we're proud to say that we have six amazing a cappella groups on campus and four of them are coming to perform at Rockin' the Commons! The Riveters are an all-female a cappella group, which started in Spring 2011, making them the youngest a cappella group on campus and they have been rockin' out ever since. Much More Chill is an all-male a cappella group, that have been focusing on more contemporary music with heavy doses of vocal percussion since 2000. In 2001, Fredonia’s first all-female a cappella, Some Like It Hot, premiered with songs that range from rock, to pop, to hip hop. And last, but not least, Premium Blend is our co-ed a cappella group on campus who have been celebrating peace, love & music since 2005.

Indie rock band, Johnny & The Man Kids just released their debut LP this past year, and if you haven't listened to it yet, you are surely missing out. With a mixed lineup of Fredonia students and Buffalo locals, they are an act worth coming out early for.

Post Prom is the newest rock group to enter the Buffalo music scene. The band formed this past year between former members of Buffalo-based Well Kept Things, and Fredonia's own, The Otherme. Be sure to give these guys a warm Fredonia welcome.

While in the tail end of their rookie year, Long Island-based emo punk band, Northernstate has a lineup of Fredonia students and alumni, and they bring a feeling of nostalgia that we can't wait to hear at this years Rockin' the Commons.

The Buffalo music scene was not prepared for the release of Dreambeaches' debut EP, "Habits" in 2016. This indie rock band will be sure to bring good vibes along with their incredible, original sound to Rockin' the Commons this year.

If you don't know them already, the rest of Fredonia will make sure you do. Kill The Clock is a pop punk band that has existed since their young teenage years. Now with a lineup of mostly Fredonia students, 2 EPs, and a month-long east coast tour under their belt, they're definitely an act you will not want to miss.

Buffalo indie rock project, MAGS, has been a Fredonia favorite since their humble beginning just a few years ago. Most recently, they released their long-awaited self-titled album featuring the single, "Demon". Most notably, their song "My Love" was featured in an episode of the hit tv show, Shameless.

Hope you learned a little more about our lineup of musical acts through this installment of MUSIC SPOTLIGHTS! We can't wait to jam to all of the music this Saturday!

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